It’s not always easy to visualize a linear motion solution from the photo and description on a web page. That's why we're back on the road with our Linear Motion Roadshow. This customized event offers a personal and hands-on educational experience to businesses interested in linear motion components, mechatronics, or innovative automation solutions like our flexible Cobot Feeder.
See linear motion components and actuators in action.
Experience our flexible Cobot Feeder in action.
Our traveling product show can be featured at pop-up OEM and educational events, open houses, and trade shows. We can set up inside or outside, and accommodate most group sizes. Machinists, engineers, and top-level managers can take this opportunity to geek-out with top-level linear motion products and innovative automation solutions. During the event, knowledgeable PBC Linear representatives will answer your questions, product samples will be available, and food and beverages will be served. The only crowds you will experience will be your own employees!
Setting up an event is easy. First, fill out and submit the adjacent easy form. Choose either Precision Components and Mechatronics or Automation (Cobot Feeder) on the form. Next, one of our Roadshow representative we’ll reach out to you to begin organizing the event. Once the event is set, we can create a save-the-date flyer for you to distribute to your company.
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